Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Court Date

So, an update is needed. We have our court date for Stella, no we won't be there, it's all official and then we travel. Our date is June 5 and i just found out that we find out that same day how it turned out and we get our travel dates!!! Yeah, i'm really excited and am ready to go in a heart beat. Stella is a beautiful little 7 month old girl who God chose to be in our family, out of all the families in the world He knew that we would not be complete without her. God so amazes me with His love for all of us. And our friends will be traveling with us hopefully, they have the same court date so we are praying we get to travel together, that would just be awesome. So much fun to be able to share this experience with another family.
Well Gabriel's birthday is this weekend so Rob, Vicki and the 4 boys will be heading over on Friday, i'm so glad. i've been missing them terribly. We are hoping to head their way for Memorial weekend. i think i'll need to stop and get my Charysse fill on the way.
I can't believe i have a 6 and 8 year old and now i have a 7 month old too, life is great.
Oh by the way we finally decided her full name will be
Stella Jean Tizibt Adams.
Cry today, out of joy!


Special Delivery said...

Hey there! I just found your blog through your comment on ours! Congrats on the court date! I can't wait to hear! There is a gift shop at Toukoul and we bought many things there as the items are really fun and it's a great way to support Toukoul!

Brad and Fran Hoagland said...

Hello! I also just found your blog from the comment on ours. We live in Murfreesboro, TN, which is middle TN. Very glad to meet you. We also have a 6 year old. But he has not lost any of his teeth yet. (And I have a 22 year old.)Yay for the June 5th court date! Come on June 5th! I will be checking your blog that day often to see Stella's sweet face. Is your agency CHI? Our baby is from the Holy Savior Child and Youth Development "orphanage" or school, whatever it is I am not sure. But it is right in Addis. Our baby was relenquished by her birth mother, so the abandonment issue will not effect us, thank God and I hope it doesnt effect you guys either?!?

Brad and Fran Hoagland said...

Praying for your court date tomorrow!