Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ethiopia day 5

Oh how great it has been to have Stella with us. She has adjusted really well and is doing great with both mom and dad. We did not have a lot planned today-mostly at the guest house, everyone just learning to be a family with their new kids. We went to the orphanage after lunch to have our meeting with the doc. We went first and it went well. The doctor seemed to be quite happy/impressed that Tizibit was doing so well and she also knew her new name, Stella and would respond to it. The doc said she had clinical pneumonia at one time but that was it other than the cold. She said that Stella likes to be held close to the chest and we had figured that out already. There wasn't much more to be said. She was really encouraging to us as her new parents and that we could switch things up, as far as her schedule, and do what we wanted. Then we went over to the shopping area to buy some gifts. That was great to see all that was there and help support the women. The drivers came around 5:30 to take us back to the guest house. By this time i was really not feeling well as all the driving and food was just making me nauseous. We think they forgot about our dinner it didn't show until almost 7:30. I was still feeling really sick so fed Stella then ate a power bar and we both went to bed around 8. i was so tired that i didn't even hear Andy come in at 8:30. Stella slept until 10:30 Andy got up with her but she was hungry so i made a bottle and fed her. She then slept until 5:30! As did I. What a great night of sleep we had.

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